Kelly's Life

Monday, February 25, 2008

My Views about Technology

My experiences with technology have been mostly positive. In high school I didn’t use a lot of technology, but once I started college technology became more prevalent. I had more access to technology in college classes and it was more widely used by professors. I have also used technology within my classroom now. I use PowerPoint on a daily basis at my student teaching placement and do most of my research on the internet.

I think computer use in the classroom K-12 is a great resource and can teach the students a lot about our changing world. My problem with technology in the classroom is that it does not always work. We have many problems on a daily basis using the laptops and getting the internet to work for the students. Technology can only be useful if it works. If we can get the technology up and running properly, I do think it should play a large role in the classroom.

I think positive things can come from using computers in the classroom. We as teachers can learn so much from our students by observing their writing and on-line use. If we model how to use the internet and technology in our classroom, students will use technology effectively.


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