Kelly's Life

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Name the parts of the plant

Originally uploaded by kellbell1982

Monday, April 14, 2008


I found this website on and thought this was a great idea for an assignment. Students do their own research but many of the site are provided for the students. I thought it was well developed and was connected to the content.

I really found webquest to be a useful tool. It gave me some new ideas as a teacher and it was just fun to find new information and a new way to use technology. I know have a place to come and search if I am looking for specific information.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Chapter 6 - The Social Web

After reading this chapter I really think the Furl is a great idea. Its a wonderful way to keep your favorite sites compiled so that you do not have to search over and over again. I really like that you can also make comments about the site. This way you can remember why you liked the site or what the site was about. You can also rate the site on a scale so you can see quickly which ones you liked the best.
I think this would be a great way to have your sites organized. It reminds me of my favorites on computers, but a more modern way to find sites quickly.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Chapter 8: Podcasting

I think podcasting would be a great asset to the classroom today. I think it would be a fun way to teach content to students in an interesting way. It would keep their attention in a technology centered world. We must reach our kids on their level and this is something they do on a daily basis now with ipods.
I love the idea of learning about podcasting and how to do it for my students. I think with the right technology it could be a great teaching tool!!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Monday, March 17, 2008


When doing research Wikipedia is a great website to use. It is a great source that I can find many details about certain topics on. I also feel that it is a dependable site to use. My main issues with using wikis or technology in general is that many children don't have access to technology. At my current placement we have 2 computers in our classroom and one doesn't even work well. This is frustrating when you want to incorporate technology with your class. Also many of my children are below poverty level and do not have computers. When we do have computers in the classroom a lot of times they don't work correctly. I think as time passes maybe technology will become more available to the students which would improve teaching.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Rockin with Rocks

Rockin with Rocks
Originally uploaded by kellbell1982
This is an assessment for a unit on weathering and erosion from 4th grade CCA. The students are required to identify how weathering and erosion have effected the rocks in the photograph. Students will answer on and comment on each others answers.

By: Katie Wells, Lauren Scott, Kelly Russell